Indonesian Superheroes 2 :

Group 2 : Anom, Archerna (Legindo), Armcanon (Legindo), Aruna (Wayang Blitz), Aryageni, Baruna (Wayang Blitz), Banjir Boy, Batman Tumaritis, Batmerahmen (sinetron), Bhimasuta (Legindo),
Blacan, Black Mamba (Legindo), Buyung Kilat, Cabit, Elang Hitam, Elang Perkasa, Garda, Garuda Boi, Garuda Putih, Garudaman, Gino Boy, Gunturgen, Hebring, Jali, Kagendra, Kapit, Kapten
Indonesia, Kapten Indonesia 2, Kapten Kilat, Kapten
Kilat 2, Kapten Santara, Kapten Surya, KiBezo, Kid Power, Lomar, Lutung, Madame X, Manusia Garuda, Masha, Metmen, Mr. X,
Naraka (Legindo), Pancasona,
Panji - Manusia Millenium, Pendekar Lowo,
Petromax (Legindo),
Power Baby, Prunggu, Putri Mawar, Qusim, Raya, Rodan, Safan, Saifer, Satria 45, Selendang Hijau, Selendang Merah Muda,
Shinta (Legindo),
Siluet Ungu, SuperDowers, SuperGar, SuperPet, Superman Tumaritis, Super Cuh, Super Soleh, Tobar-manusia baja, Saras 008, Supergirl Manohara, Tigan, Veon, Volt, Wibana, Winda, Zantoro

Other Indonesian Superheroes (3)

Group 3 : 007 Brylcreem (perapi rambut), Appeton Gain Superhero (minuman suplemen), AS Card Superheroes (cellphone), Astral (Susu Coklat), Blitz (Susu Coklat), Bruce Lee Brylcreem (perapi rambut), Calpico Purple (susu), Calpico Pink (susu), Calpico Purple (susu), Captain
Scotts (minuman suplemen), Countess Clutch (sabun), Eveready Cat (battery), Flexa (Susu Coklat),
Garuda Kid (peanut-snack), Gatotkaca Brylcreem (perapi rambut), Gondola Kid (park), Hansa-Boy (Plester), Hot Lips (sabun), Iron Tarno Man (selebritis), Jagoan Math (event), Jewel (sabun), Kamulvit Hero (obat), Kapten
Arrow (maskapai penerbangan), Kapten Bagus Idol (selebritis), Kapten Comba / Comba Team (suplemen), Kapten Gading Murni (toko buku), Kapten Pi Je (suplemen), Kapten Lifebuoy (sabun),
Ksatria Baja Ammar (cosplay), Ksaria Mandala (maskapai penerbangan), Lady Lace (sabun), Lashes (sabun), OVA-Team (susu coklat), Pocari Man (Minuman suplemen), Okky Jelly Panda
(Jelly), Sabun Sehat Junior (sabun), Simpati Card Superheroes (cellphone), Stilletra (sabun), Super Parabola Orange (parabola), Super-Man
(Wafer), Super 4 G (jaringan handphone), Super Bogbog (kaos), Super G-Force (Accu), Super IndoMilk (susu), Super Jomblo (artikel), Super Kartini (event), Super Mega Bazar (shopping), Super Sosro (teh), Super Surf (komputer hardware),Superman Brylcreem (perapi rambut), Treen-X / Comba Team (suplemen), Ultra Teen / Comba Team (suplemen), Vidoran Man (suplemen), Zorro Brylcreem (perapi rambut)

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Holding on for a superhero

On May 5, 2008, a film poster appeared on’s message boards. A smiling man seen from the back, his face obscured by a winged mask. Beyond him, the Jakarta skyline. Below, the words Gundala: Putra Petir (Gundala: Son of Lightning), and a release date: June 2009.

Artist impression of scene from Gundala movie. Courtesy of Iskandar Salim

The poster of the popular Indonesian superhero spread like wildfire across the Internet, supported by a website, a Facebook fan page — and that pinnacle of Web 2.0 veracity: a Wikipedia entry stating the film was a “collaboration of the country’s young talents, dedicated to [capturing and presenting] a breathtaking superhero adventure”, with special effects by Clockwork Factory, a local production house.
While the Wikipedia page remains, the truth has since been revealed and the mastermind unmasked. The poster, the website and accompanying social media were the brainchild of Iskandar Salim, a wedding videographer who also works as a digital artist and graphic designer.
Iskandar, a lifelong fan of comics and superheroes, says he executed the hoax for fun and to gauge reactions, with no malice or profit-seeking intended.

Diambil dari THE JAKARTA POST.

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